About us

All About Rinjani Awesome Trekking

Trekking to Mount Rinjani is unique adventure compared to other mountains In Indonesia. With an awesome views and different kind of tracks in each trekking route.
Sembalun trekking route with its green savana and its cemara trees at 2 hours before campside senaru trekkking route with its awesome tropical rain forest, black monkey wildboard, birds, colourfull butterflys and if you are lucky a wild deers will accros you. Torean trekking route is a new legal route which is famous called as jurasicc world, with its beautifull green hills,  a lot of hot springs, awesome trofical rain forest, rivers and a lot of amazing waterfalls along the track.

Trekking at mount Rinjani you will enjoy the amazing God created, natural beauty for all human.  Rinjani Is the 2nd  highest Volcano In Indonesia and the 1st beautifull mountain in Indonesia too. And become tourism icon which always been the dream of trekkers from Indonesia and trekkers from around the world to explor the beauty of mount Rinjani.

ALL About Us
Hi Trekkers,.
My name is Sam, a local Rinjani trekking Orgnaizer from senaru, North Lombok who has been guiding and organizing lombok’s tour and trekking
Mount rinjani from 2015 as a friendly and fropessional guider and organizer until now.
We are organizing base on our 10th years  guiding and organizing experiences with our mind slogan “ your satisfaction is our mind priority” Now. Our company is helping to solve biggest problems in Mount Rinjani. The biggest problem is TRASH. So our company solution is by doing an ECO TREEKING and Bring home more trash down than what we bring up and we do the same to all Lombok tours as well.
So. If you are looking for Rinjani Trekking and Lombok Tour company. You come to the right place, we enjoy the beauty Rinjani and Lombok and we care to Them.
We provide an exceptional  service a Rinjani Treeking price and Lombok tour price that matches with what you will get, we offer Rinjani Trekking packages and Lombok Tours packages tailored to suit  your needs.
Our friendly and professional guides are experienced trekkers and able to provide expert knowledge of Rinjani Volcano and whole Lombok island tours. Our trekking packages is including transportation  pick up and drop off around Lombok Lombok, Hotel, good Camping gears, Insurance, foods and Drink during the trek and tour. Porter and friendly speaking English guides, we cater for individual traveler, families Or groups of any size and every budge.
Whatever you needs, We are here happy to help.